
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rome's Dome: Innovation: an Art, a rare Artifact in Nepal

Rome's Dome: Innovation: an Art, a rare Artifact in Nepal: "There was a time when a young teenage boy (me), wanted to become a scientist without knowing what benefits choosing that profession would ha..."

Rome's Dome: Influx of Kathmandu: A Perception from New Economi...

Rome's Dome: Influx of Kathmandu: A Perception from New Economi...: "A taxi ride down any street in Kathmandu in the sweltering heat or monsoon rain could end up in a few seconds into the ride. It is not the h..."

Rome's Dome: Economic Development Emanates from the Disgruntled...

Rome's Dome: Economic Development Emanates from the Disgruntled...: "Most people read about the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory but they rarely think that economic development emanates from these very inadequac..."